Curcuma, auch bekannt als Kurkuma, ist ein starkes Antioxidans und entzündungshemmendes Mittel. Medicom bietet hochwertige Curcumaprodukte zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit und Ihres Wohlbefindens.
Turmericor turmeric is not only a popular spice that has long found many friends in Europe. Whether in ground form, freshly grated, as powder in capsules or as a liquid elixir thanks to the latest technology – turmeric hasa number of positive effectson your well-being.
In a broader sense, Curcuma is a plant genus from the ginger family, which includes around a hundred species. In a narrower sense, it usually refers to the Indian turmeric (Curcuma longa) and especially the spice obtained from its rhizome (underground growing stem). In Indian and Thai cuisine, turmeric has played an important role since ancient times in dried and ground form, but also as a whole tuber.Curcuma has been valued as a medicinal remedy in Asia for thousands of years, as evidenced by the mention of the plant in Indian Vedas. In them, Indian turmeric is described as sacred.
The important ingredients of the curcuma rhizome include essential oils, acids and the yellow dyeCurcuminThis combination of active ingredients has a number of health-promoting effects.
Curcuma, for example, stimulates the production of gastric juice and bile and thus promoteshealthy digestion. It also worksanti-inflammatoryand reduced asnatural antioxidantfree radicals in the body. Curcumin is synthesized in the plant itself to protect against microbial pathogens. Accordingly, curcumin is said to strengthen the immune system. There is also evidence that the active ingredienttheCholesterol levelspositively influencedand supports the organism in burning fat.
Numerous studies are now examining the alleviating and preventive effects of curcumin on diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, eye diseases, neurological diseases or fatty liver. It is already certain that curcuminthe pain inarthrosiscan relieve and improve mobility.
Curcumin is poorly soluble in water and is therefore only absorbed to a small extent by the gastrointestinal tract.BioavailabilityThe amount of the active ingredient that is actually available to the body after consumption is therefore low in the case of curcumin. By dissolving it in oil, by heating it or byMixture with piperine(a component of black pepper). Curcumin concentrate embedded in a fat emulsion has particularly optimal bioavailability. This is achieved by ainnovative micellar technologyThe curcumin concentrate in micellar structure obtained from turmeric extract can be better absorbed through the gastrointestinal mucosa.
The curcumin concentrate used by Medicom is a unique, high-quality turmeric extract that is optimally bioavailable through the use of micellar technology and is standardized to 6% curcuminoids.Nobilin Joint Complex®contains thisCurcumin concentrate in micellar structureand thus offers a185-fold higher bioavailabilitycompared to standard turmeric powder.
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