The vital nutrientcaroteneis found mainly in vegetables and less in fruits. Carotene gives plants their typical red, yellow and orange color.
Origin and occurrence of carotene
caroteneoccurs in the plant world in various forms. Today, more than600 variantsThe most famous is theBeta-carotene. This includes the entire group of so-calledCarotenoidsBeta-carotene is aProvitaminand thus a precursor to theVitamin ACarotenes are said to have a wide range of effects and functions, includingantioxidant effect. The best sources of beta-carotene areVegetables and fruits with yellow to orange(e.g. carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, apricots, papayas, mangos, nectarines, peaches, pears, sea buckthorn) and dark green (e.g. spinach, broccoli, endive, chicory, cress, beetroot leaves)Color.
Medicom offers natural preparations with beta-carotene
Beta-carotenesupports the preservation ofVision, helps maintain normalSkin and mucous membrane functionsand promotes theimmune systemand cell division. Various Medicom preparations provide the organism with the vital nutrient beta-carotene as a precursor to vitamin A. The human body then converts it into the vitamin. Among other things, in summer, due to increasedSolar radiationan additional supply ofBeta-carotenerecommended for healthy skin.Beta-carotene preparationsfrom Medicom promote cell specialization and support the preservation of vision. Because the retina needs the vital substanceVitamin Afor the conversion of light impulses into nerve impulses. Therefore, the pigments of the retina also have a lot ofRetinol(Vitamin A). Retinol is consumed during the conversion process. If extreme light situations prevail, i.e. very bright light or very little light, the need for vitamin A is increased. In many cases,Deficienciesonly noticeable at night. In addition, glare effects increase and the eye reacts more slowly when the light changes from bright to dark. In case of vitamin A deficiency,driving at nightbe dispensed with.
Carotene preparations as natural prophylaxis
The recommended daily intake ofcaroteneas prophylaxis is about 2 mg to 6 mg. In certainRisk factors such as AMD(age-related macular degeneration) is often suitable as intensive prophylaxis or therapy a daily dose of 15 mg – 50 mg from a combination withLuteinandZeaxanthinUnlike vitamin A, carotene cannot actually be overdosed.Beta-carotenereduces the oxidation of harmfulLDL cholesteroland thus offers protection against arteriosclerosis. Experts have repeatedly pointed out the connection betweenVitamin A deficiencyandarteriosclerosisor.cardiovascular diseases(heart attack, stroke).