Green teahas a long tradition in Asia. The so-called tea ceremony in honor of a guest is intended to bring people into harmony with nature. An early indication of the positive properties of green tea was the observation that tea ceremony mastersof particularly robust healthare.
What exactly is green tea?
Green and black tea are made from the same plant, which has the botanical nameCamellia sinensisis called. But what is the difference between green and black tea? Black tea is nothing other than fermented green tea. Shortly after the delicious properties of tea were discovered by the Europeans, it was started to be fermented, because this was the only way it could survive the sometimes very long sea voyages without spoiling. Due to the fermentation, black tea is more durable,the importantFlavonoidsand catechins, which also includes epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), are destroyed.
What is special about green tea extract
Green tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Green tea extract is the concentrated form and is made from dried green tea leaves. The ingredients in green teakeep you awake longer and more gently than coffeeand are also better tolerated. They also support theFat burningand have a number of positive effects on the organism.
Use of green tea extract
Some people take green tea extract to be alert and focused without experiencing the short-term highs and lows of coffee consumption. Others swear by the health benefits of such preparations. This is how the ingredients in green tea workstrong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,blood sugar regulatingand are said to have a positive effect on the skin. In addition, some green tea preparations useto reduce or maintain weightThis is due to certain bitter substances in green tea, which suppress cravings and stimulate fat burning. The latest studies show the positive influence of green tea on our health. Green tea probably also contributes to the high life expectancy in Asia.
What are the main ingredients in green tea extract?
Green tea contains caffeine and some secondary plant substances. These include flavonoids and one of their subgroups: catechins. Particularly important for the positive effects of green tea is a catechin with the tongue-twisting nameEpigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG for short)Together with other vital substances such as vitamins, amino acids, lipids, proteins and minerals, EGCG in particular gives green tea its health-promoting properties.
Why should I buy green tea extract from Medicom?
The taste of green tea usually takes some getting used to for the European palate, but whoeverpositive properties of green teaIf you want to benefit from EGCG, you should drink at least four cups a day. If that is too much for you, you can also get EGCG from green tea extracts such as those from Medicom. You can find the health-promoting ingredients hereprecisely dosed, in premium quality and combined with other high-quality ingredientsfor health and well-being.