Zeaxanthinbelongs to the group of Carotenoids and helps, among other things, theretinato opposehigh light irradiationto arm.
Origin and function of zeaxanthin
Especially recently, theEye medicinethe focus is increasingly onZeaxanthinAnd not without reason:Zeaxanthinis intended to be used in particularly damaging variants ofDegeneration of the retinaProtective functions. Especially in the case of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), theantioxidant effectsbenefit from zeaxanthin in particular. The point of the so-called“Sharp vision”has been known since the 16th century as the "Yellow Spot" or scientifically asMacula luteaThe name refers to itsColor, because the spot appears yellow under the microscope. It was not until the 1980s that it was finally discovered that this yellow coloration was due to an accumulation ofZeaxanthin and luteinin an area of onlyone millimeterThe occurrence of the two carotenoids is at this point1000 times higherthan in the bloodstream. This leads to the conclusion that zeaxanthin andLuteinperform functions relevant to vision. Because in themiddle area of the retinaIt has been proven that the most photoreceptor cells are present. This is where the resolution and thus the visual acuity are at their highest. Diseases such asage-related macular degenerationThere is a risk of damage to thecentral visual acuity. Possible consequence: Everyday activities such asTo reador watching television can be significantly restricted.
Which foods contain zeaxanthin?
Good food sources of zeaxanthin are Carrots, corn, Apricots and oranges. But also manygreen vegetableslike for exampleLettuce, celery, leek, pepper, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peasandgreen beanscontain plenty of zeaxanthin. If you want to be on the safe side, supplement your diet with nutritional supplements containing natural carotenoids.
See better with carotenoids from Medicom
OneDegeneration of the important maculawins against the backdrop of aincreasing life expectancyOn average, such a disease can affect around 20 percent of65 to 74 year oldscan be detected in early stages. Medicom has a number of preparations with the Vital substance zeaxanthin combined with other ingredients on offer.Zeaxanthinworks together withLuteineffective as a preventive measure.