The herbalGamma-linolenic acidbelongs to the fatty acids that are essential for the human organism: theunsaturated omega-6 fatty acidsThey are responsible for controlling numerous vital metabolic processes. Gamma-linolenic acid helps the skin in particular tonatural barrier functionParticularly rich in gamma-linolenic acid is the natural borage oil, which together with valuableVitamin E theSkin healthcan provide targeted and holistic support.
Which foods contain gamma-linolenic acid?
Foods with a high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), in addition to breast milk, are primarilyvegetable oils. These include in particularBorage seed oil(24%), blackcurrant seed oil (15-20%),Black cumin oil, evening primrose oil (10%) andHemp seed oil(5%)
Gamma-linolenic acid is a component of our skin
Gamma-linolenic acid is aStructural component of the skin. She is involved in theRegulation of cell growthand plays an equally important role in theCell renewalBreast milk also contains a lot of gamma-linolenic acid, as it is crucial forhealthy development of the newbornScientists believe that in people with the skin diseaseNeurodermatitisand in psoriasis patients the body’s own production ofGamma-linolenic acidis disturbed and the typical symptoms of a deficiency appear as a result. These includedry, cracked skin,Inflammations,Redness and severe itchingGamma-linolenic acid is contained in significant quantities in only a few foods.
When should gamma-linolenic acid be used?
Psoriasis/Neurodermatitis: Gamma-linolenic acid can reduce skin reactions, alleviate itching and have a positive effect on skin sensitivity in children and adults.
Eczema: Gamma-linolenic acid canSkin conditionimprove anditchingHealthy skin is smooth and elastic. It survives the "pluck test" without leaving any marks. Brittle, dry and cracked skin, on the other hand, does not show any signs of plucking. This can indicate a deficiency in gamma-linolenic acid.
Am I lacking gamma-linolenic acid?
Even if you have one of the following complaints, a supplementary intake ofGamma-linolenic acidbe helpful:
- Do you have an inflammatory skin disease such aspsoriasis(Psoriasis),RosaceaorNeurodermatitis?
- Do you suffer from skin problems such asdry, itchy or cracked skin?
How much gamma-linolenic acid does the body need?
Independent nutritionists recommend a daily intake of 440 mg of gamma-linolenic acid.