A strong beating heart, freely flowing blood, an efficiently functioning liver and an undisturbed fat metabolism – decisive factors for a top-fit organism. Active people full of zest for life and joy of movement pay attention to their diet.important micronutrient cholinebut often they don’t know.
What exactly is choline?
Choline is a water-soluble, semi-essential nutrient thatcannot be produced in sufficient quantities by your organism in certain phasesThe micronutrient owes its name to the fact that it was once consideredB vitamins, the ancient Greek word for bile. Choline was discovered in 1849 by the German chemist Adolph Friedrich Ludwig Strecker in a pig's bile.
What makes choline so special?
The micronutrient contributes to a number of important functions.Choline supports fat metabolism, liver function and normal homocysteine metabolismA permanently elevated homocysteine level is suspected of increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Choline is also particularly important for theBiosynthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholineWithout this neurotransmitter, there would be insufficient transmission of stimuli from nerves to muscles. In combination with lecithin, choline is also involved in the construction of all cell walls.
Which foods contain choline?
You can find choline in animal foods like shrimp, organ meats and eggs, but also in plant foods like soybeans and whole grains. You can also get choline in the form of supplements.
Why should I buy products containing choline from Medicom?
We offer youhigh-quality krill oil, which is not only rich in choline but also in the polyunsaturatedOmega-3 fatty acidsEPA and DHA. Our krill oil isodorless and tasteless.
The Antarctic krill (Euphausia sylvestris)is at the beginning of the food chain and is therefore considered particularly pure. It is an exquisite supplier for the high-qualityOmega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)and provides with its natural red dyeAstaxanthinand a powerful antioxidant to protect your cells from free radicals. Medicom only uses the concentrated krill oil raw material SUPERBA BoostTM from the Norwegian company Aker BioMarineTM. The innovative fishing company relies on a particularlyenvironmentally friendly fishing methodwithout bycatch andcarries the blue MSC seal for certified sustainable fishing.