molybdenumbelongs to theessential trace elements and must be checked dailyfoodSince 1953, it has been known that molybdenum is an extremely important trace element for the body.
Which foods contain molybdenum?
Molybdenum is found in legumes,Milk and dairy products, cereals, potatoes,Eggsand offal.
The functions of molybdenum
Approximately8 to 10 mg molybdenumare in our body. TheTrace elementfulfills the metabolism accordinglyimportant functionsIt is also part of variousEnzymes: The enzymeXanthine oxidaseFor example, it ensures that the metabolic waste producturic acidThe enzyme Aldehyde oxidase, in turn, is responsible for certainMetabolic processesin theLiver tissueMolybdenum is absorbed from food in theSmall intestinerecorded and transmitted via theKidneysexcreted in the urine. Molybdenum also inhibits theBacterial growth, so it also has abacteriostatic effect.
When should molybdenum be taken?
A molybdenum deficiency occurs undernormal nutritional conditionsOnly in special cases – for example in the context of a longer-lastingartificial nutrition– deficiency symptoms can occur. A lack of molybdenum can manifest itself in symptoms such asNight blindness,nauseaorHeadacheexpress.
Use of molybdenum
• Stimulating the metabolism:Molybdenum stimulates the formation of uric acid. Uric acid is a waste product of our metabolism.
• Strengthens theimmune system: Molybdenum has a bacteriostatic effect and thus makes the immune system strong against unwantedbacteria.
• For the genetic material: Molybdenum is involved in the production of the genetic substances DNA and RNA.
Am I lacking molybdenum?
Already ata relevant pointIntake of molybdenum could be useful:
- Atartificial nutrition
- Do you have aeating disorderbefore?
How much molybdenum does the body need?
Independent nutritionists recommend a daily intake of 50 to 100 micrograms of molybdenum.