AtOmega-3 fatty acidsare polyunsaturated fatty acids, whichthe Keep blood fluid,anti-inflammatory worksand theHeart functionsstrengthen.
Origin and function of omega-3 fatty acids
More than 50 years ago, the great career ofOmega 3 fatty acidsAt that time, a team of scientists in Greenland was researching theEating habits of Arctic inhabitantsThey discovered thatCardiovascular diseasesoccur unusually rarely among the Inuit. And this despite the fact that they feed almost exclusively on fatty fish, seal and whale meat. In the1970sIt was still believed that a low-fat diet alone would help youHeart and vascular systemToday we know that the secret to health lies in the fish itself: in theOmega-3 fatty acids. The fatty tissue of cold-water marine creatures in particular contains an above-average amount of it.Mediterranean dietwith fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of fish is therefore considered particularly healthy. In this country, due to the low consumption of fish, people usually consume too few omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, aunbalanced diet,DietsorDigestive disorderslead to an inadequate supply of omega 3 fatty acids.
Am I lacking omega-3 fatty acids?
If you onlyone of the following questionsIf you answer yes, you should start your diet with Omega 3 fatty acidsadd to:
- Do you haveSmokersor because offamily predisposition an increased risk forCardiovascular diseases?
- Eat rarely or neverfatty sea fish?
- For example, do you suffer fromrheumatism,Polyarthritis,high blood pressure orarteriosclerosis?
- Can you poor concentration, you suffer more fromForgetfulnesst?
Omega-3 fatty acids for your heart health
A large-scale Italian study found thatHeart attack patients, which over a period of two yearsone gram of omega-3 fatty acids dailyincreased the risk of another heart attack byaround 30 percentOmega-3 fatty acids therefore have a stabilizing effect on theWalls of the heart muscle cellsAs a result, the heart beats more calmly and evenly and is therefore less susceptible toCardiac arrhythmiasn. The positive effect ofOmega-3 fatty acidson heart health was also confirmed by further studies.
How much omega-3 fatty acids is recommended?
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Because they are Heart and circulation, theEye healthas well as for theBrain metabolismof great importance. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a proportion of about0.5 percent omega-3 fatty acidsin food. At 2000 kilocalories per day, that is about one gram of omega-3 fatty acids. Medicom's Omega-3 capsules contain high-qualityOmega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)andVitamin EWith a targeted supply of omega-3 fatty acids, you optimally support your cardiovascular system and ensure normal brain metabolism.