Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins; it is relatively rare in nature. Its precursors, which are released by sunlight on the skinto the active form of vitamin Dare relatively widespread: plant-based ergocalciferol (D2) and cholecalciferol (D3), which comes from animal foods, are the two most important for the human organism.
What functions does vitamin D perform?
Vitamin D ensures the absorption ofCalciumand phosphorus from the intestine and for their storage in theTeeth and bones. In additionit protects the bonesfrom the deprivation of minerals. Vitamin D also promotes cell development of the skin and stimulatesimmune systemVitamin D also has the function of a prohormone in the body. This means that it influences the formation of other hormones, such asinsulin.
Use of vitamin D
rickets: As a preventive measure, infants should be given sufficient vitamin D. This can prevent the development of rickets.
Osteomalacia: This demineralization of the bones is caused by a vitamin D deficiency in adults.
osteoporosis: Together with calcium, vitamin D prevents the development of osteoporosis (degradation of bone tissue).
Recording problems: due to disorders of utilization, for example in liver cirrhosis or in absorption disorders in theColon.
Taking medication: Medications for heartburn and epilepsy can cause vitamin D deficiency.
Which foods contain vitamin D?
Vitamin D is found in significant amounts in fish (especially cod liver oil), eggs, margarine, cheese, liver, beef and mushrooms.
Am I lacking vitamin D?
If just one of these points applies, your vitamin D supply could be too low:
Are you rarely in the sun?
Are you older than 60 years?
Are you at increased risk for osteoporosis?
- Do you eat a purely plant-based diet?
What should I consider when taking vitamin D?
Vegetarians and vegans in particular can suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. Even people who eat toorarely in the sunare at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. In these cases, taking appropriate dietary supplements may be advisable. However, vitamin Dnot in any quantityas it can have side effects if the dose is too high: these include calcium deposits in the tissue, kidney stones or cardiac arrhythmias. Consult your doctor before taking more vitamin D than usual (daily recommendation from the DGE: 5 µg). Since older people have a lower production of their own vitamin D, the daily recommendation for them is twice as high, namely 10 µg. Vitamin D is specifically taken in cases of increased risk of osteoporosis or in cases of existing combination with calciumused.