Beauty is very important in our society today. This is evidenced by countless beauty tips and an oversupply of beauty products. We think:Every person is naturally beautifulYou just have to discover your special qualities and learn to love them. We want to help you see your own personal beauty and shape it individually. Discover your "chocolate sides" and show them off!
Whether in the media, in advertising or in the cosmetics industry: it is all abouttheperfect appearanceBut the external appearance depends crucially on ourinner stateBecause beautiful skin, shiny hair and strong fingernails are also the signs of a healthy andbalanced lifestyle. Also includesadequate light protection, a healthy diet, regular exercise and an individually tailored care routine. You have probably already noticed that people we consider beautiful also literally "feel good in their skin". The skin as a "mirror of the soul" actually reacts very sensitively tointernal and external influencesand appears more balanced through a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. The most expensive cosmetics are of no use if our body is not also nourished from the inside with beneficialVital substancesEat a varied and colorful diet, especially rich in vitamins and fiber, and drink plenty of water! If you have an increased need forVitamins and mineralsFor example, during stressful periods in life, it is advisable to use preparations with selected combinations of active ingredients. This way you can safely prevent possible deficiency symptoms. Whether forskin, hair and nails. Medicom offers a wide range ofVital substances for your beauty.
So that you feel comfortable in your skin
Depending on body size, the surface of theskinaround 1.5 to 2 square meters and weighs around 14 kg, which is about 20 percent of the body weight. This makes it the largest measurable organ in the human body. Our skin is acomplex and versatile organ, which has to fulfil several important functions for the body. These include the body's heat and water regulation, the immune system, sensory perception and general protective functions. Around two billion skin cells protect our organism from infections,harmful UV rays, dehydration, heat and cold. Several millionNeuronsin the skin control the fine sense of touch and react to danger with pain signals. A large number of skin vessels and glands also keep the body heat in balance.
For beautiful and wrinkle-free skin
Everyone wants to have wrinkle-free and beautiful skin well into old age. With theright lifestyleand attitude, good care and balancedNutritionyou come very close to this goal. The most important factors are skin care tailored to your skin type withnatural ingredients, high sun protection, the absence of nicotine,Stress avoidanceand alcohol only in moderation.Environmental influencessuch as fine dust pollution or permanently dry heating air remove a lot of moisture from the skin. Those who eat fresh fish, vegetables, pulses and low-fat dairy products more often and avoid artificial additives have a good chance of improving the condition of their skin and keeping it beautiful for a long time. It is particularly important to ensure a sufficient supply ofVital substancesHowCalcium,zinc,phosphorus,vitamin C,magnesiumandironshould be taken into account. As an importantAntioxidantalso protects theCoenzyme Q10our skin cells by intercepting and neutralizing free radicals.
Healthy hair right down to the tips
OurMain hairhas always been not only an important beauty feature, but also an indicator of ourhealth statusIf we feel bad or even sick, this is often reflected indull and lackluster hairOften, women experience changes in theirHair structurefrom the age of about 40. The organism then producesfewer hormones such as estrogen,The hair becomes thinner and lighter, the scalp increasingly dry and flaky. The good news: with a coordinated care and theright nutrientshair and hair roots can be regenerated. This starts with washing correctly. It is best to use a mild shampoo with natural and valuable ingredients that is specially tailored to your hair type. Especially for damaged or thinning hair,Medicom Products, which are on theHair rootshave a vitalizing effect. Small expert tip: Rinse your hair with ice-cold water in the last rinse. This visibly increases the shine and stimulates theBlood circulation in the scalpAfterwards, your hair should not be rubbed dry, but wrapped in a soft towel and gently squeezed. This protects the sensitive hair structure. With a "detangler", a special detangling brush, you can get through towel-dried hair without painful pulling. Finally, it is best to blow-dry the hair with a hairdryer on a cool setting from a distance of at least 15 cm.
Vital substances for powerful hair growth
With the right vitamins and minerals, hair loss as a result ofNutrient deficiencyeffectively avoid. Coordinated vital substances specifically promote thehealthy growth of our skin and hair cells. The group ofB vitaminsplays a crucial role. Vitamin B deficiency can be caused by taking antibiotics, for example.B vitaminsare abundant in whole grain products, nuts, wheat germ, bran or legumes. If the body lacksvitamin C, this can result in structural damage and inflammation of the scalp - the result isHair losst. Then it is important to eat vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables such asCitrus fruits, kale, peppers or fresh parsley on the menu. Best as raw food, as vitamin C is veryheat sensitiveA few drops of vegetable oil will promote better vitamin C absorption in the body. The vitamins contained in the oilunsaturated fatty acidsadditionally nourish the sensitive hair cells.Iron deficiency(for example, due to blood loss during menstruation) can lead to structural damage to the hair and massive hair loss. Too low an iron levelcan be done withiron-containing foodssuch as meat and cheese, or alternatively by taking specificVital substance products withironMedicom has a wide range of high-quality active ingredient combinations for beautiful skin and hair, which are constantly subjected to scientific controls.
What you should know about beautiful nails
Your nails reveal more about yourhealth statusthan you might think.Healthy nailsare of a firm structure, slightly curved, flexible and even. In contrast, damaged nails appear uneven in color and structure, grow slowly, splinter or break off completely. If fingernails change noticeably, it is often a sign ofunbalanced diet, incorrect care or certain diseases are the reason for this. One cause of thickened and curved nails can be, for example, poor circulation.Gastrointestinal disordersand a disturbedBlood formationcan manifest itself in so-called "platform nails," which are flat in the middle and slope down at the sides. If the nail curves upwards, this may be due to iron deficiency or liver and lung diseases.Iron and vitamin C deficiencyor a thyroid or metabolic disorder can lead to spoon nails, where the nail plate sinks like a spoon. Small pits on the surface can be a sign of psoriasis. Longitudinal grooves often indicate iron or biotin deficiency, liver, kidney or intestinal disorders.
Beauty vitamins for strong nails
When it comes to nail renewal, vitamin H, also known asBiotinor vitamin B7, plays a major role. No wonder that biotin is also known asthe beauty vitaminis known.Biotinis involved in important metabolic processes in the body and has a positive effect on healthyCell growth. At the same time, it promotes the body's own production of keratin, the horny substance that makes up the nail plate. Make sure you have an adequate supply of biotin to strengthen the structure of your nails. Good sources of biotin include:nuts, beef liver, mushrooms, egg yolk, cereals, fruits, vegetables and rice. A possible deficiency can be prevented by regularly taking concentrated micronutrients forhealthy hair, skin and nailsprevent.