Probiotic bacteria for a healthy intestinal flora
LactobacillusFor example, it preferentially adheres to the intestinal wall, stimulates the production of antibodies that specifically bind foreign substances and stimulates the naturalProtective function of the body’s own cells. The lactic acid bacteria can demonstrably prevent the colonization of a germ that is responsible forStomach ulcers and canceris responsible. Throughunbalanced diet,stress andEnvironmental impactA healthy person is constantly challenged. This is exactly where theprobiotic foodswhich contain various lactic acid bacteria in sufficient quantities. In order for them to develop their health effects in the intestine, they musthigh resistance to stomach acid and Digestive enzymesto be alive and active in theIntestinal tractProbiotic cultures can only survive for a short time in yogurt and dairy products. Therefore, you should always eat these foods as fresh as possible. Use probiotic cultures in capsule form, you can be sure that you are taking in the right amount of lactic acid bacteria to ensure that the beneficial microorganisms reach you unharmed. Probiotic cultures can even shorten the duration of diarrhea.
Bacteria for health
Studies show that the number of“good” intestinal bacteriaafter consuming probiotic products. However, these foods can only develop their specific effect if you consume them regularly, i.e.daily, consume. In connection with probiotics, the keywordPrebioticsWhile probiotics are taken in live form as described,Prebioticsaroundspecial fiberHowOligofructoseorInulin) that are not broken down by the digestive system. They serve theuseful intestinal inhabitants as foodand thereby promote theirgrowth, which increases the positive health effects. With aVital substance preparation, which contains both probiotics and prebiotics, you are on the safe side.