SuddenDiarrheaor poor or no bowel movements for a few days - everyone probably experiences such complaints in their life, which are usually harmless but still bothersome.Probioticscan then provide a remedy.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Every fourth German suffers regularly fromfunctionalDigestive problems. They are the most common reason for visiting theGastroenterologists. Controlled studies show thatprobiotic cultureson the Symptoms of the so-calledIrritable bowel syndromecan have a positive effect. Whether nonspecificstomach pain,constipation(constipation),Alternating between constipation and diarrhea(diarrhea) orBloated stomach(meteorism) andflatulence:The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are diverse. You can use bothbacterial inflammatory processesin the intestine as well as by a change in theSensitivity of the internal organscaused.
Intestinal therapy with probiotics
Gastroenterologists agree that symptomatic therapy includes, among other things,ProbioticsThis is the result of 12 out of a total of 16 controlled studies. A randomized controlled double-blind study included267 patients with irritable bowel syndromeof typeConstipation and meteorismThey received six weeks oftwice dailyaYoghurt with a Bifidocultureor aYoghurt without probioticsin the control group. After three weeks, almost all of the probiotics18 percentmore patients than in the control group reduced their symptoms compared to baseline by10 percentAfter six weeks of treatment with theBifidobacteriumoccurred in almosttwice as many patientswith constipation, a significant improvement was observed. Accordingly, bifido cultures are suitable forTo harmonize the intestinal environmentand symptomatic complaints ofIrritable bowel syndrometo reduce significantly. Lactic acid cultures such asLactobacillus contribute toHarmonization of the intestinal floraand make a valuable contribution to intestinal health.